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How To Become A Natural, Motivated Writer

It can be very frustrating as a writer when you sit down to write, and you feel as though you can’t quite get into the swing of things. No matter how hard you try your words seem clunky, you can’t quite think of the right phrasing, and your story seems to be going nowhere.
When this happens it's a good idea to take a step back and think about how you can help yourself write more naturally. To help you, here are some useful things to try:
Be imaginative.
Using your imagination is one of the great joys of writing. Don’t censor yourself or hold your imagination back. Remember, when it comes to fiction anything is possible so the more you indulge in your artistic creativity, the easier your words will flow, and the more inspired you will feel.
Write more.
The more you write, the easier it will become, it’s as simple as that. Practice your writing as much as you can. If you leave it too long in between writing sessions, it’s harder to get back into the swing of things. Try to write every day, even if it’s only for a little bit.
Write your passions.
If you are writing what you are passionate about you are more likely to find the words come naturally to you. Always consider balancing what you love and what you have knowledge about, and try to be as authentic as possible.
Remove distractions and clear your schedule.
Writing is made more challenging if you are constantly being distracted. Try to find a quiet space to write where you can focus and concentrate. Turn off your phone and emails and really try to get into the writing ‘zone.’
Write like no one is watching.
When writing first drafts, it’s best just to try and get the story down. Don’t be self-conscious about your writing, and keep reminding yourself that no one has to read it yet! You can edit and make improvements later so just remember that and don’t let any negativity hold you back.
Write in the active voice.
Writing in the active voice can boost your writing and will make it a more interesting read too. An active voice brings immediacy and helps readers engage and immerse themselves in your story; it will also help you to write with more energy and focus as well.
The more you practice the above tips, the more likely you are to be able to write naturally and more productively too. So next time you feel as though you might be in a bit of a writer’s slump, try to practice the above, and soon you’ll find the words flow freely, and your writing experience becomes more enjoyable too.

Bethany Cadman - bethanycadman.co.uk