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Why Comparing Yourself To Others Is Pointless
It’s so easy for writers to get caught up in comparing themselves to others. They read something that is so good they feel it’s impossible for them to reach the same standard. They hear of some previously...
- Posted April 24, 2018
How To Write Blog Posts People Will Read
We all know how invaluable writing a blog can be. A blog is a fantastic platform from which you can showcase your work, reach out to new audiences and develop your fanbase. A great blog gives readers...
- Posted April 23, 2018
Are You Actually Getting Paid What You’re Worth?
If you ask most people if they feel like they are getting paid enough, the most common answer will be no. If you’re someone reading this article, you’re part of the majority who doesn’t think they are...
- Posted April 19, 2018
How To Kick Procrastination To The Curb
Procrastination is something each of us encounters in our life. It doesn’t matter if you’re old or you are young, procrastination can take your life away. It’s something that’s so subtle yet, can have a lasting impact...
- Posted April 19, 2018
Why You Should Never Give Up On Writing
Should a writer ever give up on writing? Is there a good time or a certain number of rejections where it’s sensible to put down the proverbial pen and simply try your hand at something else? The...
- Posted April 19, 2018
Ways You Might Be Self-Sabotaging Your Writing Career
One thing many writers have in common is their ability to self-sabotage. Writers can often be so unfairly negative about themselves and their work it is as if they are their own worst enemy. Bar the obvious...
- Posted April 18, 2018
Ways To Boost Confidence In Your Writing Ability
Having confidence in your writing ability can not only help improve your writing it could, dare we say, even boost your chances of getting published. However, perhaps even more important than this, it will also make the...
- Posted April 16, 2018
Why You Should Start Meditating Today
Do you know someone who meditates? Or are someone who meditates yourself? Meditation is an art form that has been around thousands of years, yet most people don’t partake in the activity. They make excuses, saying they...
- Posted April 12, 2018
The One Thing That’s Holding You Back From Your Success
There will always be something stopping you from achieving your desired success and until you acknowledge it, nothing will ever get done. This is the fear that you’re not good enough. Maybe while you were in school,...
- Posted April 12, 2018
Is Rejection Really That Bad?
We’re all told that as writers rejection is one of the toughest parts of the job. There are countless pieces of advice on how to cope with rejection, how to pick up the pieces and to move...
- Posted April 12, 2018
How To Stand Out From The Crowd
We all know that one of the most significant challenges any writer faces is trying to be original. There are so many books out there, so many stories, and we can’t help but be influenced and inspired...
- Posted April 11, 2018
Kickstart Your Freelance Writing Career
A freelance writing career can be a lucrative way for writers to make money while still having the flexibility to follow their passions and embark on other writing projects too. It might be that a freelance writing...
- Posted April 9, 2018
How To Sell Yourself As A Writer
Promoting yourself as an author is not always easy. Not only can the number of ways and different avenues you are able to take seem somewhat overwhelming, but the idea of actually trying to convince other people...
- Posted April 8, 2018
How To Be Happy, Healthy, and Successful
When you ask most people what they life want in life, they’ll tell you a combination of being happy, healthy, and successful. But what if you could achieve all three at once? It may seem impossible to...
- Posted April 5, 2018