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How To Plan Your Writing Year
If you know anything about being a writer it's that if you plan your writing, it tends to go better! Now that the end of the year is upon us, it is a fantastic time to evaluate...
- Posted December 31, 2019
How To Create A Morning Writing Routine That Could Boost Your Writing
If you are looking to create a morning writing routine, look no further! Not all of us are morning people. However, if you are the kind of person that likes to be productive from the moment you...
- Posted December 30, 2019
Is There Such A Thing As A Writing Formula?
Do you think there is a writing formula that works? We discuss whether writing is something you can formulize here! It is generally agreed that writing is a skill. This means that it can be taught. It...
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Conduct Your End Of Year Writing Review
Should you do an end of year writing review As the year draws to a close, it’s a good idea to take stock of what you have achieved in terms of your writing this year, and do...
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How To Build Character Relationships
If you want to learn how to build character relationships, read these helpful tips! If you want your book to be successful, you have to write great characters. You must also understand how to make your characters...
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Philosophical Questions Writer’s Should Ask Themselves
Writers are philosophical creatures at heart. In creating entirely new worlds and entirely new existences they can’t help but be. When creating a story, writer’s need to consider different philosophical questions to help build a world that...
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Why An Organized Writing Workspace Can Help You Write
An organized writing workspace can work wonders with your creativity and motivation. So If you want to be a more productive writer, you need to take stock of how organized you are. Being highly organized might not...
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How To Find Your Ideal Writing Partner
Having a writing partner can be positive for many reasons. A writing partner is someone you can bounce ideas off, someone who can keep you motivated, can offer honest feedback on your work, and help give you...
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How To Handle Difficult Topics In Your Writing
Learning to handle difficult topics in your writing can be a big challenge. This may be for a particular writing assignment or through your own creative writing where you want to address painful feelings or revisit troubling...
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How To Collect Story Ideas
As a writer, you may often find that you are overwhelmed with story ideas at times, and during others, you might discover that no matter how hard you try, you can't come up with anything good. You...
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Exercises To Help You Develop Your Story
If you want to learn how to develop your story, read on! Sometimes you have an initially fantastic idea for a new story, but when it comes to mapping out the details and developing the plot, you...
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Exploring Scenarios To Build Your Plot
If you want to build your plot and create a great story, you need to explore various scenarios to see what will work best. Working out the plot of your story can be the hardest part. However,...
- Posted December 11, 2019
Publishing Insights To Help You Sell Your Book
Need some publishing insights to help sell your book? If you want to sell your book, finding out as much as possible about the publishing industry is a no-brainer. The more you know about the complexities and...
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7 Things That Will Ruin Your Novel
Don't ruin your novel by falling into these traps! Want to know what not to do when writing a novel? These seven things are those that all writers should be aware of to ensure that they don't...
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