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  • How To Find Your Ideal Job In Writing

    Are you looking for your ideal job in writing? Here are some useful tips on how to land your dream role! Want to make writing your career? Then it’s well worth considering all the different options available...

    • Posted June 5, 2020
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  • Exercises To Strengthen Your Hands

    With all that time at a computer, you may find you need to strengthen your hands. Many writers find that their time spent at a computer can leave them feeling a little uncomfortable. If you want to...

    • Posted June 5, 2020
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  • Why You Should Face Painful Writing

    Facing painful writing can be liberating and cathartic. Read on to find out why. Many writers find that the process of writing itself is a rather painful one. Why is this? Because truly authentic writing has to...

    • Posted June 5, 2020
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  • Tips To Jumpstart Your Creativity & Boost Your Writing Career

    Do you need some motivation or inspiration to help give you new ideas? Do you want to get back into the writer’s mindset, or to boost your writing and get career that you’ve always dreamed of having?...

    • Posted May 29, 2020
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  • Stop Ruining Your Writing By Comparing It To Others

    Want to stop ruining your writing? Ruining your writing is easier than you think! Comparison is the thief of joy when it comes to writing. Yet not comparing ourselves to others is much easier said than done....

    • Posted May 29, 2020
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  • Top Tips To Overcome Writing Fear

    Writers all go through periods of self-doubt, worry, and writing fear. Unfortunately, that is just part and parcel of being one. While these challenges are somewhat inevitable., if you accept that they will come, and prepare yourself...

    • Posted May 29, 2020
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  • Writing Secrets -Quick Secrets Every Writer Needs To Know

    So there might not be these big writing secrets that means that the book you are writing will automatically become a bestseller. However, there are still plenty of great insider secrets out there that can help you...

    • Posted May 13, 2020
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  • Quotes From Successful Authors To Keep You Motivated

    Quotes from successful authors who have been there and done that can be just what you need to give your confidence a boost. Read out to discover some witty, smart quotes from successful authors that are perfect...

    • Posted May 12, 2020
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  • Book Endings – How To Ensure You End Yours Well

    Book endings are absolutely crucial if you want readers to become loyal fans. If you need to learn how to end your book well, make sure you pay attention to these top tips! There is nothing worse...

    • Posted May 12, 2020
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  • How To Add Intrigue To Your Story

    If you want to add intrigue to your story you need to be able captivate your reader, without revealing everything. For your story to be successful and well-received by your target readers, you need to make sure...

    • Posted May 8, 2020
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  • How To Develop Your Hook

    If you want to learn how to develop your hook, read on! Writing an alluring hook is an integral part of every novel. It can make all the difference between finding an agent or publisher and struggling...

    • Posted May 7, 2020
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  • Using Vivid Imagery To Enhance Your Story

    Vivid imagery can help your story come alive - so how do you use it in writing? Creating a world and characters that your readers can picture is one of the key ingredients to a successful novel....

    • Posted May 7, 2020
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  • How To Launch Your Writing Career

    If you want to launch your writing career you might not know where to start. Read on to discover our top tips to help you! If you have decided now is the time to write full-time, you...

    • Posted April 29, 2020
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  • How To Perfect Your Elevator Pitch

    Coming up with a successful pitch is tough, but by following our awesome tips you'll find the perfect elevator pitch to showcase your book. Writing a novel is seriously tough. But marketing it is arguably harder. Writers...

    • Posted April 28, 2020
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