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How To Write An Article

Many writers wonder how they can make money on the side of writing their novels. Some just want to get into the writing game and make a living from it in whichever way they can.
Article writing can be a lucrative business for any writer. Providing they are willing to put the time and effort into building up their portfolio, pitching potential clients and perfecting their work than being a freelance article writer not only can provide you with a good income, but can give you the flexibility and time to write your novels too.
But article writing isn’t just something anyone can do. Perfecting your writing skills takes time and practice, and if you want to write an excellent, entertaining article that captures people’s attention, you need to be willing to put in the effort.
Here are our top tips on how to write an article.
Decide on your topic.
The topic of your article should be engaging enough to capture readers attention. There are millions of subjects - you could write about anything under the sun. Just make sure you write about something you are interested in and knowledgeable about.
Decide on your angle.
Every article should have an angle - what’s yours? How is it unique? How does it present information in a way that hasn’t been done before?
Think about your reader's needs and expectations.
Whenever you write an article, you must consider your reader's needs. What questions do they have? How will you answer them? Articles must inform or entertain, or both.
Do your research.
Research is so important. An article that has no depth, no real consideration behind it, is one that will quickly be dismissed by readers. Make sure your article has a point, make sure it is saying something.
Consider your tone.
The tone of your article should be consistent with your reader's expectations. Do you want to come across as informal and chatty or an authority on the subject? Do you want to make your readers laugh or to teach them something?
Use headings and break up long paragraphs.
Readers should be able to skim read through your headings to find the topics that interest them the most or answer the specific questions that they have. Topics break up the text and give readers a clear and quick understanding of what your article is going to be about. Breaking up long paragraphs will help keep your readers attention focused on what you have to say as well.
Read, re-draft, revise, repeat.
As with any piece of writing, your first draft might not be excellent, but that’s okay. Make sure you read and re-read your article, shaping it, correcting it and fixing it until you feel as though you can’t do anymore. Only then is it ready to be shared.
By following these tips, you should be able to come up with a carefully considered, well- written piece of writing whatever your topic. So if you are thinking about trying your hand at article writing, use these useful tips to guide you through the process.

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'