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How To Get To 1,000 Book Sales

Book sales are hard to make, but with these top tips, you can boost your sales and find your readers!
Let’s face it, one of the biggest struggles that any author faces is trying to sell their book.
Writing it can be a challenge, the publishing process can be tricky, but there is nothing quite as disheartening as going to all that effort and seeing nothing come of it when you realize that no one is buying your book.
The truth is that most authors find marketing their book really difficult. They want to write, they don’t want to market. This can be the biggest problem and is the reason why so many self-published books fail.
What you need is a smart, well thought out and well-executed plan that is both detailed and methodical. It takes time, effort, and dedication (much like writing a novel does). Let’s look at some of the steps that you need to take to get from 0 sales to 1,000.
How to boost your book sales - our top tips!
Step into your audiences shoes
While some readers might be very sympathetic to how hard it is to buy books, they still aren’t going to part with their hard-earned cash if they don’t want to read yours. Readers buy books for themselves, so you need to market for the good of your audience. What I mean by this is, make them want it. Get to know them. Figure out what makes them tick. Be persuasive. Step outside of your usual network and start listening to conversations, to questions, to desires. By bringing value to those who might be interested in your book you are going to capture their attention and hold their interest. If you genuinely feel as though you are providing value, it won’t feel like marketing, it will feel like you are doing something worthwhile.
Share snippets of your book and what you’ve learned
While you are writing your book, share snippets of it, teasers to get people interested in it. If you learn anything interesting in the process of researching and writing then you should share this with your audience, get them excited, riveted, and fascinated. The more content you share, the more interesting things you have to say, the more people will become intrigued and become even more eager to get their hands on your book when it comes out.
Make sure people can share your book easily
If people are excited about your book, they’ll happily tell others about it. However, if you don’t make that process easy for them they won’t bother. Make it super simple and obvious for readers to share your content, your news, and your book with others. You should be marketing your book from all possible avenues to all possible connections. Have links to buy your book on all your social sites, add CTA’s to all your marketing material and content. By giving clear direction on how to buy your book, you’ll make sure that anyone who is interested will do so.
Nurture your relationships
if you work with influencers, you will have more success if you think about what they want first. Don’t just approach them blindly. Think about how you could be of value to them and present yourself to them by telling them of your value, your worth, and why their readers/viewers/listeners would enjoy hearing from you. Be creative, have a positive attitude, and be polite but persistent - this is the key to success.
By following these tips you can hope to start seeing these sales roll on in and will get to your first 1,000 sales before you know it!
So now you've learned how to make more book sales, why not discover your 12 month book marketing plan?
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