Get Organized. Be Productive.

By on September 6, 2017
Get Organised. Be Productive.

When it comes to being a good writer, you not only need to have talent, imagination and creativity, you also need to be disciplined, organized and seriously productive.

So many people claim to want to write a book, and yet very few manage to achieve this. Why? Because people simply don’t have the ‘time.’ Sure we all lead busy lives, but what sets writers who realise their goals and make a success of themselves from the rest is their drive and determination to find that time no matter what, to make sacrifices when they need to, and let nothing stand in their way.

The key to getting to the end of your book is being organized. If you can organise yourself properly, you’ll find that you can make time for your book each and every day. But how do you do this?

Learn when you write productively

Everyone has different times when they best write. Know when you are likely to be at your most creative and focused (this may take some trial and error) and move other commitments around so you can use that time for your writing.

Have a dedicated writing space

A dedicated writing space will help you to feel productive as soon as you sit down. It separates your writing from your other tasks and daily life, and you know as soon as you settle down in your writing space you’ve got to be productive.

Identify gaps in your schedule

If you are struggling to find time to write sit down and look at all the things you try to achieve in your day - could you delay other tasks? Find some extra time - even if it’s only for 10 minutes, it all adds up.

Get up earlier

Getting up half an hour earlier can make all the difference, and once you are into a routine of doing so, you’ll hardly notice and feel so proud of yourself for getting your writing done.

Go to bed later

If you are more of a night owl than an early bird, try going to bed a bit later instead. It's al about finding what works best for you, and the progress you make with your writing will keep you motivated.

Be efficient in your other tasks

Figure out where you could cut corners with other commitments you have. How about doing an online shop instead of going to the supermarket? Could you ask your partner or kids to cook dinner one night a week? Perhaps you could hire a cleaner once a week to alleviate having to do it yourself and free up some time for your writing?


Learning how to prioritise effectively will help you when it comes to writing more productively. Prioritising not only your daily tasks so you can have more writing time, but also prioritising your writing tasks will ensure you are at your most productive at all times.

Recognise procrastination

We all procrastinate from time to time, learn when you are doing this, consider why and try to focus and get back to your writing work instead.

Make people aware of what you are doing and how important it is to you

The more people that know what you are trying to achieve the better - especially close family and friends who will not only help and support you but know not to distract you when you are trying to finish your book!

Have a timetable

Create a realistic but challenging writing timetable and make sure you stick to it too.

Never leave it too long between writing sessions

Don’t leave it too long between writing sessions otherwise; it will be harder to get back into the swing of things. Writing regularly, daily if you can, will keep you progressing with your writing and it will be much easier to pick up where you left off each time.

Set yourself deadlines

Deadlines will help keep you focused and give you something to work towards - make your deadlines realistic and break tasks down into smaller goals so you can have deadlines for each - make sure you congratulate and reward yourself when you achieve each one, this will keep you motivated to continue.

By doing the above, you will run your writing sessions and your daily life like a well-oiled machine, make the most of your writing time, and get that book finished before you know it!

How do you stay organized and productive when writing? Let us know here!

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'

About Ty Cohen