Fantastic Tips To Make A Kickass Author Website

By on August 2, 2018
Fantastic Tips To Make A Kickass Author Website - Writer's

An author website is an essential platform from which writers can promote their work. Here’s how to make yours stand out:

Keep it simple

Don’t overly complicate things. If you aren’t very computer savvy creating an author website might seem complicated - but it doesn’t have to be. Your author website doesn’t have to be all singing, all dancing, but it does need a few separate pages, some nice images to break up the text and be creative and exciting enough to attract visitors.

Have diverse content

Don’t make your website merely another place from where people can buy your book - make it worth readers while to return again and again. Release chapter samples, write entertaining blogs, keep them updated on new projects, engage and involve them by asking their opinions. Make it easy for them to leave comments and contact you too.

Have a theme

Your website should have a theme that reflects the writing you do. Whether you write thrilling crime and mystery novels or deliciously decedent romance books, everything from the colours to the font to the content you write should be carefully thought out, so they complement the theme of your website and the genre you write in.

Make it personal

Readers aren’t just interested in your writing - they are interested in you too. So make sure you don’t put up barriers or make everything just about your writing or professional life. Readers who feel like they have an insight into your life, your inspiration and so on will feel more connected to you, and to your stories as a result of that.

Have a USP

Your author website needs to stand out and to make readers keep coming back for more. The more creative and interesting your website is, the more it will reflect how creative and brilliant a writer you are. So spend some time thinking about how you can make your author website entirely unique and offer something different to your audience.

Have fun with it

Not every writer loves the idea of having to keep up maintaining an author website and blog, but if you can, try to make it fun. The potential for a good author website to raise your writing profile is enormous. So try to focus on the benefits and find ways to make it fun to keep you motivated and ensure your website stays fresh, relevant and exciting.

Creating a kickass author website is essential for every writer. So use these tips to create a website that you can be proud of, and you’ll always have a brilliant platform from which to showcase your work.

About Ty Cohen