All posts by Ty Cohen

  • 10 Rules Of Fiction You Must Obey - Writer's
    10 Rules Of Fiction You Must Obey

    So you want to make it as a fiction writer huh? Well here are ten rules which cover what to avoid, what to include and what to do to give your work of fiction the very best...

    • Posted September 1, 2016
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  • Why You Are Not Getting Any Attention For Your Writing Work - Writer's
    Why You Are Not Getting Any Attention For Your Writing Work

    Most writers aim to get their writing noticed. Of course, there is still much to be said for writing purely for pleasure, but, let’s face it, the majority of us want that acknowledgement, that feeling that we...

    • Posted September 1, 2016
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  • Get Rid Of Imposter Syndrome And Be A Confident Writer

    Do you know what imposter syndrome is? If you are a writer, the answer is probably yes. For those that aren’t sure, imposter syndrome is where you continuously doubt your expertise and ability, no matter what happens....

    • Posted September 1, 2016
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  • The 5 Things You Need To Make A Living As A Writer - Writer's
    The 5 Things You Need To Make A Living As A Writer

    Making a living as a writer can be tough at times. If you rest all your hopes on getting that book you’ve been working on for the past five years published, you may find it pretty difficult...

    • Posted August 30, 2016
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  • Try These Writing Exercises To Get inspired - Writer's
    Try These Writing Exercises To Get inspired

    Writing exercises are a great way to practice and hone your writing skills. They can also be extremely useful if you haven’t written for awhile and need to try to get back into a writing routine. Writing...

    • Posted August 27, 2016
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  • Fall in Love With Writing Again - Writer's
    Fall in Love With Writing Again

    Sometimes writing is hard. You get to a point where you feel a bit ‘done’ with it all. Every time you sit at your desk to write, instead of feeling excited, and bright with anticipation, instead you...

    • Posted August 26, 2016
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  • How To Experiment With Your Writing - Writer's
    How To Experiment With Your Writing

    Writing is all about being creative, and with creativity comes trial and error. It is always good to experiment with your writing - it keeps those ideas coming, helps you improve your writing technique and perhaps even...

    • Posted August 25, 2016
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  • How Staying Healthy Can Make You A Better Writer - Writer's Life.Org
    How Staying Healthy Can Make You A Better Writer

    Writing is a fantastic job, it’s creative, exciting and can be incredibly rewarding too. However, there are also some downsides to being a writer, ones that perhaps you simply take for granted as being part of the...

    • Posted August 25, 2016
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  • How To Write Characters Based On Real People -
    How To Write Characters Based On Real People

    As writers, we have all heard the age-old advice ‘write what you know.’ It has been drummed into our heads so many times it sometimes feels impossible to forget. Of course, we are not meant to take...

    • Posted August 24, 2016
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  • Why Writing Short Stories Can Make You A Better Writer - Writer's
    Why Writing Short Stories Can Make You A Better Writer

    Often people believe they should only stick to one form of writing. Simply keep to one and try to perfect their craft. If you are a novelist, then you should only write novels, a poet, only poems,...

    • Posted August 23, 2016
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