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10 Ways To Get Motivated

Writers often find that it can be hard to stay motivated. We all have days where we get a little off track, a little distracted, and that’s fine. But when the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months it can be a real problem trying to find that motivation and inspiration to get back to writing once more.
So what can you do to help keep you motivated and on the right track? Here are ten ways to try.
No idea is a bad idea. Give yourself the space to be creatively free by having a good old brainstorming session. Don’t censor yourself and just write down every idea, character, plot point etc. that comes to you. When you have finished look over what you’ve got, pick out the ideas that stand out and begin to develop them. You’ll feel excited and motivated once you realize you’ve got several good story ideas that could really go somewhere.
2. Go for a run.
Exercise releases endorphins so instead of staring in a frustrated stupor at your computer screen, give yourself a break, get out into the big wide world and get moving. If running isn’t your thing a brisk walk, a yoga class or any other form of exercise that takes your fancy can help you release some energy, get the blood pumping and feel motivated once more.
3. Read your positive reviews
It’s so easy to become focused on the negative and lose faith in ourselves. If you need a bit of a confidence boost read over old positive reviews or feedback you’ve been given. Even just remembering positive words form a friend or relative can help you to remember why you are doing this in the first place and inspire you to get back to work!
4. Get feedback
If you don’t have a lot of feedback now is the time to bite the bullet, put yourself out there and get some. If might not all be positive, but getting feedback is crucial to help you learn and improve.
5. Have a mantra
Have a positive mantra that you start each writing day with. Look at yourself in the mirror and give yourself an inspiring pep talk to get you revved up and ready to start the day in the right way,
6. Meditate
Sometimes having too much clutter in your brain can mean you lose focus, become overwhelmed and give up all too easily. Try retraining your mind and finding a moment of calm to sit quietly by yourself and just let go. Meditation can be a great way to do this, but if you are not a fan try sitting quietly and taking some deep breaths instead.
7. Set goals
Goal setting is so important. If you can create some realistic but challenging goals for yourself, write these down and work out how you are going to achieve them, you’ll feel organized as well as inspired, and you’ll be able to see a clear path as to how to get to where you want to be.
8. Stick to those goals!
The more you can stick to your goal plan and achieve your goals the more motivated you will become. Start off by giving yourself some easy wins, and you’ll soon see that you feel even more motivated to continue.
9. Reward yourself
Have a reward system in place so each time you reach a specific goal or hit a particular milestone, you can celebrate your success. By rewarding yourself, or knowing a reward is in store you’ll keep pushing yourself to reach your goals and keep achieving what you want to achieve.
10 Find a buddy
Sometimes all we need is someone there by our side to keep us soldering on. Having a buddy also helps us because we don’t want to let the other person down. So if you need a little extra help to keep motivated, find a writing buddy and work together -you might find them an invaluable partner to help you along your writing journey.
So there you have it if you are feeling a little lacking in creativity, or you know you are guilty of not writing as much as you should, try using these ten ways to get motivated and become a prolific and productive writer once more!

Bethany Cadman - bethanycadman.co.uk