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Top Tips For Sustained Writing Success

If you want to find writing success, you need to master the basics. This might seem obvious, but setting yourself with a solid foundation to build upon is crucial. If you don’t understand the fundamentals of writing, you will find it difficult to progress and really work on your craft. It’s like trying to learn to run before you can walk, skip the important first steps, and you are just setting yourself up for a fall.
So what should you do first to achieve writing success?
Learning to write well is the most important first step for writers, and you should focus on this and only this before attempting anything else. With all the things that writers are expected to be these days it can quickly;y become overwhelming and confusing if you try to do too much too soon. So forget about book marketing, planning campaigns, and organizing book tours and instead spend your time and energy building the necessary skills it takes to become a noteworthy writer.
Take your time
Learning to write takes time. You need to understand how to gather your thoughts and then turn them into well constructed, arresting sentences that sit next to one another, building upon one another to form your story. You need to be able to state your ideas with clarity and precision, to select the best lines of action that will entice and delight your readers. To structure and to pace your writing so you build momentum.
Write intuitively
Good writers are also intuitive writers. Author Garry Kasparov who is a grandmaster chess player spoke highly of the power of intuition saying: “This is the essential element that cannot be measured by any analysis or device and I believe it’s at the heart of success in all things: the power of intuition and the ability to harness and use it like a master.”
Writing intuitively is also something that you can practice. It’s about letting something deep within your subconscious guide your decision-making process, it’s about trusting your gut and your reactions and your feelings.
Ask the right questions
Writers who ask the right questions can use their instinct to help keep them on the right track. Ask yourself - does this plot make sense? Does this dialogue exchange sound natural? Is this character driving my story forward? Is this scene necessary? Your instinctual answers are the ones you can listen to, and the more you hone into your writing instincts the easier it will be to summon them and trust them which will help improve your writing.
Be daring
Be bold and curious. if you have an unusual idea, explore it. If your writing is going in an unexpected direction, follow it with curiosity. Probe, dig deeper, ask questions, go to places that scare you a little, that you are resisting a little. Be brave. Your writing shouldn’t feel forced and including the shock factor for the sake of it is not the right way to go either. However, if you want to enjoy success, you do need to create something unusual and something that hasn’t already been done a million times before.
Take charge
Build your career the way you want to. Writers all have their own journeys to take and paths to follow. If you want to enjoy a long and successful career you need to create your own way and a way that feels right and comfortable for you. If you try to force yourself in any one direction you’ll find it so much harder and less enjoyable. Work on your strengths and don’t be afraid to be guided by your happiness, what inspires you and what feels right.
Success is something that can be available to many writers, it’s not a secret, but rather something that can be found by working on ourselves, learning about ourselves, and being prepared for the writers that inevitably lie ahead.
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