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The Different Emotions Every Writer Goes Through

We writers are emotional creatures, and why shouldn’t we be? We can use our emotions to help write our fantastic stories after all! There are some feelings, however, that only writers can truly understand, whether they are worries and concerns, moments of joy and elation, or tear-your-hair-out frustration, we have all been there!
Being passionate, excited, nervous, angry, elated - writers can go through all these different emotions in an hour! While writing is, for the most part, a solitary experience, writers do tend to stick together, support one another, and help each other when asked.
Writers love to write, that is a given, and we are so lucky to be able to pursue our dreams. However, doing so isn’t always easy! All writers have their share of ups and downs - luckily we have one another to share them with.
Here are just some of the emotions that every writer will recognise.
The worry that you’ll stop being able to think of ideas
Remember the first time you had that ‘eureka’ moment? Where suddenly an idea popped into your head for a brilliant story that you couldn’t wait to write? Or what about when the novel you had been working on suddenly all just fit together, and you realised for the first time that it was going to work, that you'd found a way to get to the end? Pretty amazing right?
But then there are the hours spent wondering when those moments will start to get fewer, and when they might run out altogether. A writer needs to be confident they’ll keep being able to come up with creative and unique ideas - the worry that suddenly the creative part of your brain will close for business is a very scary one indeed!
Taking any criticism oh-so personally
‘You don’t think my book will fit on your list right now? How dare you rip my heart out you cruel, ruthless monster!’
‘You said one of my characters felt a little two dimensional? Why are you trying to ruin my life?!’
And so on.
It is incredibly difficult when you have poured your heart and soul into something to feel as though anyone who offers even the most constructive of constructive criticism isn't reaching into your soul and punching it directly in the face. Unfortunately, this is something that continues endlessly as you keep writing. The more you write, the more potential you have to be rejected. However, it does get easier with time (sort of).
The feeling of being completely in the zone
You have been staring at your computer screen for about an hour. Suddenly your fingers get a life of their own and are flying all over the keyboard like little, frenzied sausages. You are officially on a roll, and the words come flying out of you, and you feel as though you could never stop. Then the door creaks open and someone, potentially a relative who you now no longer love, asks you something inane and unimportant. The roll is over. You return to staring at your computer screen and try not to weep.
The ‘I am a terrible writer’ emotion
Everything you write is basically appalling. You have no idea why on earth you had the arrogance and audacity to think you could do this. You spend your days reading incredible works of fiction occasionally making an exasperated sigh or guffaw as every single word is in exactly the right place and the story unfolds so beautifully, and there is no way you could ever write anything even a millionth as good as that. Yes, we have all been there. The good news is most writers usually get over this stage and going back to just been minority critical, uncertain and jittery. Hooray.
The ‘I have a real job’ fury
Trying to explain for the millionth time that your job is indeed a real job and yes you do it full time, and no you don’t do anything else, and no it is not just an adorable hobby and so on. It can be difficult to try to explain to some people who thrive in their stable careers why on earth you would risk everything to pursue a dream that, according to the odds is incredibly unlikely to bring you any kind of success. But just remember you are doing what you love, and that’s the most important thing.
The unbridled joy of finishing
There is no better feeling in the world than that of finishing your book. It is that perfect moment where the world seems so full of excitement and possibility. You got there; you did it! These are the moments we live for.
The school exam results feeling when you get a letter/ email/ phone call
Nervously waiting after you have sent your manuscript off to publishers and agents is a long and arduous time. However, there is nothing quite like that feeling where an email appears in your inbox with a response, or a letter comes through your door and you know it is from them.
As many writers know publishing contracts aren't just handed out to everyone, but that moment just before you click on the email or open the letter you are on the edge, and cannot help but wonder ‘what if….?’
The emotional rollercoaster that is being a writer can be amazing, adrenaline pumping, arms-in-the-air kind of fin and also make you feel terrified and sick and want to get off. Still we wouldn't have it any other way!

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'