How To Write With Purpose

By on February 25, 2020

If you want to learn to write with more purpose, these tips can help.

When it comes to writing purposefully, many writers struggle. Writing without purpose can mean writers aren’t as effective or productive as they’d like. This can quickly feel tiresome and frustrating. They fall behind their writing schedule, their motivation flags, and they may even consider giving up altogether.

Writing with purpose means you write with determination, energy, and a clear goal in mind. So how can you write with more purpose and be as efficient as possible when you sit down to write?

Write with more purpose - our top tips

Be organized with plotting and research.

It's easier to use your writing time wisely if you research and organize your thoughts beforehand. You should also try to craft a plot before you begin. So take the time to get these frameworks in place first, and you’ll find it much easier to be purposeful when your writing sessions start.

Keep your outline flexible.

It’s also essential to ensure your plot and outlines aren’t so rigid that there is no room for change. A novel should be something fluid, that evolves. By keeping flexible, you naturally keep an open mind and allow your book to grow in a more authentic and exciting way.

Write down the purpose of each scene.

To ensure that your writing always has a purpose and that you’ve made every word count, write down a sentence or two describing the goal of every single scene in your novel before you begin writing it. This way, you can clearly see what the point is, and won’t include any action that doesn’t move your story forward.

Identify themes in your novel and ensure these remain consistent.

Your novel should have an overarching theme or themes, and these should be carried through the story from beginning to end if you want it to be most effective. Write down your ideas and be clear on what they are. As you write and revise your novel, make sure that you keep these themes in mind and that they are interwoven in your book in an intelligent way. 

Use tone and mood to be more purposeful.

Tone and mood make it easier for the reader to understand what kind of story they are reading. If you are writing a comic novel, use the tone and mood to demonstrate this from the outset, so the novel’s purpose (to make the reader laugh) is evident. If you are writing something scary or sinister, again, tone and mood can be used to effectively convey the purpose, which in this case would be to make the reader feel scared or tense. 

By using the above tips, you can make sure that when you sit down to work on your story, you do so with clarity and purpose, and this will translate onto the page and make your writing more effective as a result.

So now you know how to write with more purpose, why not discover how to create a good writing schedule?

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