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How To Find Your Writing Passion

Finding your writing passion can make all the difference to how invested you are in your own career. Writers are creative and passionate people by nature. However, sometimes finding what it is that truly makes our hearts sing when we sit down to write is more challenging than we might expect.
Yet, what’s even more frustrating is that if you aren’t writing about what you love, it’s pretty damn impossible to write well.
It is every writer’s dream to be fortunate enough to make a living doing what we love. But before we can even set this as a goal, we must get to the heart of what it is that we find fulfilling and joyful and effortless and exciting.
Finding your writing passion - how do you do this?
Understand yourself
To understand your writing passion, you need to understand yourself. You must be able to tap into your own innermost thoughts and feelings, to discover what makes you tick. Let's face it, are a complex and ever-changing being. You owe it to yourself and to your writing to get self-inquisitive and figure out who you are and what you stand for.
Find beauty in the ordinary
It is your experience of life. Your pain, pleasure, your greatest adventures, those moments of beauty that come from the most mundane and ordinary situations. It is the anger, embarrassment, outrage, love, kindness and compassion, the sympathy, empathy, the laughter, and the tears. These moments and occasions are what make up your life story. By reviewing these and acknowledging them and examining them you will connect with yourself. You will find your passion and resonate with your readers too.
Be OK with being uncomfortable
Writing is art. Good writers know that creating great art means getting up close and personal with thoughts and feelings. Taking the time and making the space to do this is valuable work indeed. Within you, you have an unexplored reserve of inspiration, ideas. If you are willing to do some digging, you’ll be able to bring authenticity and emotion to your work. Hopefully, in ways you weren’t able to before.
Take your time
It takes a little time, a little work. You may need the ability to be both vulnerable and truly honest with yourself. If you do you'll gain the most significant rewards. Doing so is like embarking on an essential journey of discovery, one that could open all sorts of unexpected doors.
Try to understand what makes you tick, what motivates you, what energizes you. Explore your view of the world, and your unique personality. In doing so you should be able to define your specific qualities and lead you to your passion. Determine what values you have. Figure out the skills you possess. Learn how you like to spend your time. Discover what you find fulfilling, and what moves and drives you. Answer these with complete honesty. Then you’ll be able to create a vision to start an amazing writing career. One that’s genuinely abundant in joy, passion, and satisfaction for many years to come.
You may find there are challenges and obstacles you have to overcome (both actual and emotional). However, by removing these limiting beliefs and exploring these issues and doubts you can shift your mindset. You can realize that there is nothing that can stand in the way. Create an action plan. Set your goals, and then go for it. Become the passionate and motivated writer you always knew you could be!
So now you know how to find your writing passion, discover the best ways to enhance creativity?
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