How To Find Your Ideal Writing Partner

By on December 16, 2019

Having a writing partner can be positive for many reasons. A writing partner is someone you can bounce ideas off, someone who can keep you motivated, can offer honest feedback on your work, and help give you support when you need it the most.

It all sounds pretty good, right?

Well, it is, but as with all good things, this means that it’s not always easy to come by. Finding a writing partner who can offer all the above isn’t as easy as it sounds, and it’s all about searching for someone who you gel with and who can bring out the best in you and your writing.

Writing can be a solitary pursuit, and while that may be fine for many, once you find someone who you can team up with, and even collaborate with, you may find that the writing experience is a wholly more enjoyable and satisfying one.

So how do you go about finding your perfect writing partner?

It’s all about understanding the criteria that make one great.

You need someone you can trust

Trust is so important. If you want to have an effective writing relationship with the other person, you’ll have certain expectations of one another, and will need to trust that they won’t let you down. Not just in terms of practical aspects such as agreeing to dedicate a certain amount of time to your writing pursuits together, but also in terms of how they deliver feedback and support to you. If the trust is broken it can end up not only damaging your relationship but your confidence as a writer altogether. So being certain that you can trust in your writing partner and that they will meet your agreed expectations of one another is hugely critical. 

You need someone who has time

If you want your writing partner to enhance your experience of writing, you need to ensure that you are both on the same page when it comes to commitment. If you enter the relationship thinking that you’ll spend every waking moment working on projects together, when your partner only has a spare hour every couple of weeks, the relationship will turn sour very quickly. Make sure you discuss how you will spend your time, and how much of it you can reasonably dedicate to this before you go ahead. 

You need someone who has talent 

While you might be tempted to just find someone who you think will give you a positive critique or just a friend you have fun with, if you want to form a productive working relationship with someone, it’s better to find a fellow writer who is at a similar stage in the writing process and has similar experience to you. This way you can both help one another in the best possible way. If you choose someone who has much less experience than you, their feedback may not be particularly worthwhile. If you choose someone who is much more advanced than you, you may end up feeling overwhelmed and as though you can’t keep up. 

There are lots of places you could search for a writing partner. Writing groups, online forums, and social networks are a great places to start. Alternatively signing up for a writing course or workshop could help you find like-minded writers who are at a similar stage. 

Writing partners aren’t for everyone. However, lots of writers do find they benefit greatly, providing they can find a good match. So if it’s something you are considering, use the above tips to help ensure you find your ideal writing partner and start a productive, fruitful working relationship in no time!

So now you know how to find your ideal writing partner, why not discover how to start a writing group?

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