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What You Can Do To Make Your Book Stand Out

We all know how much competition there is out there when it comes to publishing our books. Without the backing of a big publisher behind us, whole marketing teams working to make our book becomes the next best thing, and getting our books into all the most popular stores, it can be easy for our carefully crafted novels to be lost amongst a sea of others. Even if you’ve done all the right things, had your book professionally edited, and invested in a smart and eye-catching cover design, it can be tough getting it noticed.
So what can new authors do to give their book the best chance of being seen by the right people - i.e. the people that will be interested in buying it?
Put it in the right category
When it comes to Amazon, putting your book in the right category is so important if you want people who will actually want to read your book to find it. Amazon’s category system works so you can choose some really niche places to put your book - if yours fits there it can mean you have less competition and a potential audience of fans waiting eagerly for new material in that genre to come out. Don’t however, simply put your book there just because of the lack of competition - if it doesn’t fit there then you’ll only irritate readers and find it harder to shift copies.
Have a proper book launch
A well thought out, well-timed book launch can really help give your book sales that initial boost, and can help to get people talking about it and word of mouth to spread. Give yourself time to launch your book properly. Try and get some press interest, gather some reviews from noteworthy people, organise a book tour and reach out to potential fans in every way you can think of to build as much hype as possible.
Do a promotion
People love getting something for nothing so as well as making sure that your book is priced right it’s always a good idea to consider doing a book promotion where you offer your book to readers for free. This will help create buzz and interest and when the promotion ends those who missed out just might buy your book anyway.
Treat others as you’d want to be treated
Remember, if you want people to buy your book you should be willing to buy theirs! There are so many books out there which you can get your hands on for free or at massive discounts- but if authors don’t support each other by actually paying for a book that they know they’ll enjoy reading, the cycle will always be the same.
Use every opportunity to market your book
There are lots of things you can do to market your book. Try all of them. Some may be more successful than others but you never know what might work, what might lead to a snowball effect and what might get you noticed. Even the smallest marketing opportunities can lead to great things so just take every opportunity and give it everything you've got.
Never stop trying
The reality is that trying to make your book stand out is incredibly tough. You can do all the right things and you may still get disappointing results. However, perseverance, determination and hard work are key and will put you at a significant advantage.
So since you have invested all this time and energy into getting your book ready to publish, it is surely worth going the extra mile with your marketing too!

Bethany Cadman -author of 'Doctor Vanilla's Sunflowers'