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Blog Topics For Every Author

Blog topics can be hard to think of, but with our great tips, you'll never be short on content again!
If you want to attract more visitors to your website and engage more readers, you need to put some valuable and engaging content out there for people to see. Writing an author blog is probably the easiest and most appropriate way to do so. Your author blog is useful because it can tell readers about your writing style. It can boost your SEO meaning your site will appear higher on search pages. It will complement your writing, be a great way to encourage people to click on your book sales page, and can help build your brand.
With all those reasons it’s hard to argue why you wouldn’t write one!
However, writing and keeping an author blog up to date is tricker than you might think. If you want to make the most of it, you need to be strategic and consider carefully the topics you might write about. You also need to release new content frequently. This means you need a continual stream of content topics to write about.
Many authors struggle with this and find it difficult to know where to start. Let alone have a strong bank of blog titles and topics to cover to keep their audience engaged. With that in mind, here are some suggestions to help get you started:
Your writing process
Readers will be intrigued to know how you write. Lots of people want to write books and can’t manage it, so sharing your writing process will be of interest to them.
Your writing tips
You can also share lots of different writing tips that have helped you along the way. Writing tips are valuable to your fellow writers. There are lots of different topics to cover, so this should keep you full of ideas for ages!
Your ideas and inspiration
Readers love to know how writers come up with their stories, characters, and the worlds they create. So let them know through a series of blog posts that let them get a sneak peek inside your imagination.
Your hobbies and interests
People will also be interested in the person behind the book, so don’ be afraid to share more of your general life, hobbies, and interests too. You could even write daily diary posts - just makes sure you make them as interesting and exciting as possible.
These are all fantastic areas to write about and should keep you able to create interesting, informative, and engaging blogs for many months to come. Every author will have different styles and ways of keeping their fans entertained. Figuring out how best to do so is up to you, but just remember that writing an author blog has many benefits, so make sure you don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain more fans and sell more books.
Now you know how to find great blog topics, why not think about what to include in an author website?
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