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10 Ways To Start Writing Again

Writing is very much like exercise, when you are into it, you feel great, you are in a routine, and you couldn’t imagine yourself not doing it. Then, for whatever reason, you take a break, other commitments get in the way, or you go on holiday, and you suddenly run out of steam.
Before you know it the days and weeks go by, and then you realise you haven’t written anything in ages. You feel annoyed with yourself for letting your writing slip, you want to get back into it again, you promise yourself you will start very soon, and then…nothing.
It is so easy to get out of the habit of writing, and when you do, it can be really quite difficult to get back into it again. If you have found this happens to you, take a look at these 10 ways that will help you bite the bullet and start to write once more.
Don’t fret about it
Getting angry with yourself is not productive. It’s the same as letting our diet and exercise slide, the more time you spend sitting around thinking about what a terrible person you are for letting it go, the less time you are actually doing anything about it. Forgive yourself and get going!
Make a plan
When you start to write again it may feel laborious and uninspired. That is because writing is a skill and you need to keep practicing to keep improving. If you don’t use it, you lose it! So when you start again go easy on yourself. No one is expecting you to run a marathon on the first day. Set yourself measurable, achievable goals
Have a writing timetable
If you just think that you’ll start writing again ‘sometime this week’ or even ‘sometime today’ it is very easy for that time to pass by and think ‘it’s too late now.’ If you schedule a time to write then you are far more likely to stick to it.
Try a new time and space
If you usually write in the morning, but are struggling to do so, try writing in the evening - and vice versa. Sometimes just changing these little details makes all the difference. Write somewhere you haven’t done so before. Sometimes taking yourself elsewhere can be all the inspiration you need to get you writing again.
Look at your old work
What stage did you leave your writing at when you stopped last time? Were you halfway through a novel, or short story, or were you just getting started with a new idea? Do you have a book of phrases, notes, ideas that you used to write in? Re-reading all of these can help you get the creative cogs turning, and feel freshly inspired to start once more.
Do writing exercises
If you aren’t sure where to start then try some writing exercises to loosen you up and get you in the writing mood.
Don’t do too much too soon
If you give yourself ridiculous goals you’ll fall at the first hurdle. Manage your own expectations by starting off slowly, and only writing a little at a time. It is better to stop while you are still full of ideas then to fizzle out and feel deflated before you have got to where you wanted to be.
Be determined
Don’t let anything else get in your way of writing. Don’t have any distractions. Turn your phone off, shut your email down, don’t answer the door. It is so easy to get distracted by something else and then lose your writing window. Don't let this happen to you.
Talk to other writers
Writers love helping each other, and are usually very supportive of one another. Sometimes it can be so helpful to join a writing group, class or even online community. You can inspire each other, plus if you are in a class or group and are expected to bring something along, you’ll feel even more compelled to write.
Read books
Reading and writing go hand in hand so get back into reading to inspire you to start writing once more!
Getting back into writing takes a bit of willpower, dedication and practice, but once you do, just like exercise, you’ll start to quickly see the benefits, and be so glad you did!