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Posting Rules/ Guidelines

1. Writer's Life Blogs are intended solely for articles about writing by and for writers. That means everyone from published authors to writers, bloggers, freelancers, and everyone in between -- as long as all your posts are about the art and business of writing.

2. Feel free to repost content from your own personal blog, and note that Writer's Life makes no claim to ownership of user-submitted materials. We just want to highlight great writing about writing. That said, you may not post material that you did not write, or that you do not have full permission to reprint. Also, please no teaser-link posts -- reprint your blog post in its entirety. Feel free to link back to your site, however.

3. While the Writers Life staff will be monitoring content posted to the blogs, please refrain from posting inappropriate content that will later be removed. Use your best judgment, and please steer clear of pornographic images and profanity; the line should be pretty clear in most cases! In addition, we would ask that your blog does not wholly advertise products or services at the exclusivity of anything else. Our goal is absolutely not to modify or censor material, but illegal or highly objectionable content will be necessarily excised.

4. Feel free to format your posts, but don't make them too visually outrageous -- too many colors and font sizes will just make things harder to read! Also, please note that your images should be no more than 314(h) x 600(w) pixels if you want them to show up great when shared on social media sites like Facebook.

5. All blog accounts must be individual accounts. We do not allow company accounts. Further, each blog post must be posted by its author, under his or her name. In cases where multiple authors contribute to one post, one should post and credit the others within the post's body.

Note: Post less than 300 words will result in a submission error.

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