- How To Tackle Jealousy In Creative Writing
- Common Submission Mistakes
- How To Stop Your Blog Becoming Boring
- The One Thing Every Successful Writer Has In Common
- How To Make Yourself Aware Of Publishing Scams
- Why Almost ALL Writers Make These Grammar Mistakes At Some Point
- 5 Tips For Authors On How To Deal With Rejection
- Top Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Novel
- How to Avoid Common New Writer Mistakes
- 10 Mistakes New Fiction Writers Make
All posts tagged "writing tips"
Are Your Story Ideas Good Enough?
There is nothing quite as enjoyable as having a brilliant moment when you realise you’ve got a good idea for a new story. That sudden thought ‘I could make something out of this’ or the urge to...
- Posted August 21, 2016
Write A Book In Less Than A Month (Yes, Really!)
Setting writing targets is always good. If we don’t, then it can be easy for writing projects to go on forever. We keep meaning to sit down and write another chapter, another page, and then life just...
- Posted August 13, 2016
How Failing Can Help You
No one likes to fail, though writers probably have more than their fair share of it. Failure can come in many forms, and while it is never great to experience failure at the time, the most successful...
- Posted August 11, 2016
Why You Need To Take A Break From Your Writing
Are writers taking vacations? Surely that is unheard of! Well actually, no. No, it is not. Writers need to take breaks and get away from it all just as much as the rest of the world -...
- Posted August 9, 2016
Avoid These Blogging Mistakes
Every writer knows that one of the ways you can attract a larger following, and connect with your fans, is by writing a blog. However, many writers feel that they don’t have the time, or would rather...
- Posted August 5, 2016
Trick Yourself Into Writing More
One of the problems that many writers struggle with is having the motivation and momentum to keep on writing. Sometimes, particularly if we are trying to fit our writing around other commitments, sitting down to write can...
- Posted August 4, 2016
5 Quick Writing Fixes
All writers know that finishing a piece of work is one thing, editing it is quite another, and often when we get to the end of a piece of writing and try to begin editing, the whole...
- Posted August 3, 2016
10 Brilliant Books For Writers
All good writers know that reading is key to helping them improve. There is nothing more helpful, insightful and influential than reading a good book to inspire you to get back to your own writing. Writers need...
- Posted July 30, 2016
How Mixing Genres Can Enhance Your Work
When writing a novel, one of the most important things to bear in mind is the genre you have chosen to write in. Each genre of fiction has a set of clearly defined rules. Rules which can...
- Posted July 28, 2016
10 Writing Secrets You Need To Know
While writing may not be easy, it can certainly be made easier by discovering the tricks and tips which successful writers all over the world use to help them write more productively, more efficiently and more creatively....
- Posted July 26, 2016