How To Make Your Book Appealing

By on November 7, 2019

Writing a book is one thing, but selling it is quite another. You'll need to make your book appealing to readers if you want to succeed. 

The truth is that for the vast majority of authors, a traditional publishing deal is unachievable. There are, however, many different routes to success. By self-publishing, an author who is willing to put time and effort into carefully marketing their book can make a decent living from sales.

Make your book appealing - the key to writer success

To do this, you must make your book sound as appealing as possible to readers. That is, every time you market your book, you must think about how best to present it and what to reveal to ensure that you pique the reader’s interest and motivate them to buy your book.

One of the most important things you can do in this instance is get to know your target market as well as possible. If you invest time in your research, listen to what people are saying, study successful books in your genre, carefully craft different marketing materials and have analytics in place to see how well each piece of marketing performs, you can hope to refine your descriptions and advertising campaigns to generate the most interest.

Your title

Your title needs to be catchy, but also reveal what genre your book sits in. If you can give a little away as well as find a title that accurately sums up your story but also excites and intrigues, your target audience is more likely to want to read on.

Your tag line

Not all novels have a tag line, but by creating one, you have another opportunity to communicate to potential readers what kind of story they can expect inside. A tag line should be catchy, smart, and intriguing.

Your book blurb

Writing a book blurb is a massive part of making your book sound more appealing. Once you have attracted readers, you need to convince them to buy, and by reading the book blurb, they’ll discover what to expect. You only get a couple of paragraphs to sum up your entire novel, so think about the main points of action, about your protagonist and what makes them appealing, and use this to try and emotionally engage your reader too. 

Other marketing materials

Of course, there is an endless number of ways you can market your book. For each piece of marketing that you create, you’ll need to adjust the way that you present your story, as well as design your materials visually. If you hope to make them as impactful as possible, you need to treat each piece of marketing content separately and consider your audience for each one.

Making your book appealing does require careful planning and research, but by focusing on each element separately, you can hope to give yourself the best chance of success, so it really is worth your while!

So now you know how to make your book appealing, why not learn more about preparing yourself to market your book?

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