Writers Claim Your FREE “Get It Done” ToolKit
as Part of a HUGE Writer’s Life.org National Promotion

Learn How to Overcome Procrastination, Get Organized,
Stay Focused, Find Time to Write and Finally Get Your Book Published.

We Ship To Every Country In The World!

WARNING: Only a small number of toolkits are still available … click the yellow button above to claim yours now.


From:M. Masterson

RE: The quickest, easiest way to complete your book

Dear Fellow Writer,

I’m really excited to be giving away 9,700 FREE “Get It Done” toolkits as our way of introducing you to Writers Life.org. Like the video says above, if you are having a problem starting or completing your book, this is the coolest tool for writers that you’ve ever seen. With it you’ll learn how to easily overcome procrastination, get organized, stay focused, find time to write and finally get your book published! The word has spread and people love the information provided on this program and so far we have already shipped more than 8,683 of these toolkits in the last few days. We are QUICKLY running out, so grab yours now while supplies last.

Talk soon.

M. Masterson

P.S. Do me a favor if you can and share this page with your friends on Facebook, or email it to your friends. (Just wait until after you grab yours, in case we run out).

Learn How to Overcome Procrastination, Get Organized, Stay Focused, Find Time to Write and Finally Get Your Book Published!

Even if you have a spouse, kids, a job and pets.
The world is ready to hear your story, this toolkit will help you to make that happen!

It's The Coolest Resource for
Writers That You’ve Ever Seen

If you have held off from writing your book or started and find it difficult to complete, this clever tool is an invaluable, career changing resource that is equally at home on your desk, at the office, kitchen table or favorite writing place. Thousands of writers and authors have used it to overcome procrastination, get organized, stay focused, find more time to write and finally complete and publish their books… Now it's YOUR turn!
Grab one today to make sure that no matter where you are, you’re never more than an arm’s length away from everything needed to write your best material quickly and easily.
PLEASE NOTE: You must be 18 or older to purchase this item. The “Get It Done” toolkit for writers is for any aspiring writer, and is the perfect first step on the path to literary greatness! From getting past that difficult opening line to finishing and publishing your book, “Get It Done” will guide you through any creative obstacle and put you on the path to finally completing and getting your book published.

Don’t Take My Word For It

“Thank you for making my dream a reality. Your information is top notch and professional in every sense of the word; I never sit down to write without it.”

Mary Jacops

Riverdale, Calif.


“This thing keeps me focused and on track; I honestly could not have asked for anything better!
I just completed my first book and now I am writing a second one. I will most definitely use the Get It Done Writer's Toolkit for my second book as well. I would highly recommend it for anyone who is looking for more focus, structure and beginning to end help with their book!”


James Lister

Manchester, N.H.


Plus, I’m Gonna Give You
My New Book and a FREE Writing Course, Too - All FREE!

  • Finally Focus & Finish – Helps you to get going by giving you the tools you need to get focused, organized and past that difficult opening line(or rounding out the end).
  • Start to Finish – The “Get It Done” Toolkit will guide you through any creative obstacle and put you on the path to developing original quality material that people will enjoy reading from beginning to end.
  • No Matter What's Holding You Back – The information shared within this toolkit will help you to get past it and on your way to completing and finally publishing your book, even if it has been decades in the making for you… It's time to finally get your book completed and the information on this free toolkit will guide you through the entire process step-by-step
  • Think you are to busy? Even if you have a spouse, kids, a job and pets. The world is ready to hear your story, this toolkit will help you to make that happen.
  • Fact & Fiction Friendly – A must-have for any writer, no matter your genre or topic, this toolkit is the perfect first step on the path to literary greatness!


Claim Your Free
“Get It Done” Toolkit, Book and Class
Supplies are LIMITED so please grab yours now.

100% Absolutely FREE!

So why are we doing this? This is our way of introducing you to the Writer’s Life.org and the Authors Helping Authors Association. We know that every time you use this resource you’ll think more about your own writing processes and you’ll want to join our community of like-minded authors and writers. So that’s why.
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I look forward to hearing your reaction when you receive your package in the mail.

Please email me and let me know at M.Masterson@WritersLife.org

M. Masterson
Chief Editor – WritersLife.org

Click Here To Get Your FREE Copy Today
We Ship To Every Country In The World!

>>> Click Here to Get Your Free Copy of the “Get It Done” Toolkit! <<<

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